Hi, I am going to talk about time & place of Multimedia Learning Center.
Then, I am going to tell you how to go to the MLC.
It is at the second floor in the information center building.
You can go there through the library from the second floor in the comunicationplaza.
It is opened at 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. to Friday from Monday. During long vacation, it is opened until 5 p.m.
Next, on Saturday, it is closed at 2 p.m. and during long vacation, it is opened until 1 p.m.
The Centere is closed on National holidays and Sundays as well as year end, New Years and other specified days.
If you have some freetime, you should use the MLC!!
This is my group members' Blog▽
Masako, Tatsuhiko, Takato
Thank you for reading☆:-D
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